100 Good Things In My Lifetime

I write all the time. A lot of the time I do it just for me. I write a lot of lists too. So many of them. I recently rediscovered a list that I wrote quite some time back. This list is titled, “100 Good Things In My Lifetime”. If I remember correctly, I wrote it while I was in a very unhealthy relationship and I wanted to be able to refer to it when I was feeling low, which was often at that time in my life. Unhealthy relationships can be catastrophic if a person doesn’t work at keeping their spirits up. I am no longer in that relationship, and my down times are less frequent than they were when I created this list, but I greatly enjoyed rediscovering it again. I wrote the list for myself, but I am in a safe enough place to share it with you now, and I thought you might get a chuckle out of it. I also thought that maybe, just maybe, you would get inspired to make your own list. I hope you make one and keep it for times when things get tough and you need a pick me up. It can be anything you want it to be. Anything at all that you consider a good thing in your life. And by all means, don’t stop at 100. Write as many as you want! Write a 1000 things if you’re blessed to have that many!

Today I am grateful for all of the things on this list that I am about to share with the world, for rediscovering awesome things that I have written in the past, for taking the time to love myself, for having the courage to leave an unhealthy relationship, and for the constant strive to choose happiness in my every day life.

Here is my list. Enjoy!

I was born to the most amazing parents ever in the history of all parents.
My sister and brother let me live after stealing all the attention for so many years.
My parents grew food and flowers.
Not only was I taught the importance of spirituality, I also discovered it for myself.
Being continually blessed with the most amazing friends in the entire world.
I discovered shandy beer, sour beer, goses, and scottish ales.
I learned how to spell really well.
Ms. Nelson taught me to appreciate entertainment.
I learned to love reading and literature.
God gave me a servant’s heart.
Mr. Heaton told me to read The Lord of the Rings, The Stand, all the classics, and many, many others.
I got married.
I got divorced.
My National Parks Passort has SEVERAL stamps.
My US Passport has a few stamps.
I have traveled to many, many places and because of that I have lead, and will continue to lead a very full life.
The chance to serve the homeless in NYC.
I was turned down by the Peace Corps. Because of that, I found a reserve of determination I didn’t know I had.
The Red Cross changed me for life.
I know what love is.
Receiving a genuine lei when I got off the plane in Hawaii.
I saw Dead Poet’s Society.
I have seen the dinosaur bones, and Lucy.
Dad taught me to make snowcream.
Mom taught me to walk in another person’s shoes.
I’ve gotten drunk enough to pass out.
I have stayed sober enough to drive.
Seeing the changing of the guards.
Learning to drive a stick shift.
Seeing Graceland.
Being a part of a church family that makes me understand the true meaning of community.
Living in a place that spoke a different language.
Living in Yellowstone National Park for two years.
Graduating College
I took the road less traveled.
I made mud pies, caught turtles, stared at pond skimmers, and ran through the sprinklers as a kid.
Defined my own version of “Rocky Mountain High”
Being introduced to gratitude.
My sister making chips and cheese in the oven as a kid.
Playing Monopoly, Yahtzee, and Cribbage with my Dad.
Playing Euchre with Lynn.
I have resisted, and yeilded to sexual temptation.
Got a 100% on the human bones test in seventh grade.
Sitting on the Mayan ruins of Tulum.
Seing Baloo in Walt Disney World, and seeing Bumblebee and Optimus Prime at Universal Studios.
Witnessing a mama grizzly play with her cubs.
Realzing how much I do NOT like moonshine.
Realizing how much I DO like Rum!
Gave up make up for years.
I take my dreams seriously.
I survived cancer in more ways than one.
I remained a girl while being a tomboy.
All those times when my brother exposed me to new music.
Got to be a Goonie for a day.
Experienced the sunset at Cannon Beach
Falling in love with the music of Van Morrison
Experienced as much of the romance Montana has to offer as I possibly could.
Saw Jack Black in Hollywood.
Learned to appreciate and drink lots and lots of tea.
Collected as many magnets as I could from any place I have visited.
Played all the Atari 2600 games with Shawn, who was a great, great friend.
I have done my fair share of puzzles.
Told my parents I loved them. They told me how much they loved me.
Sat in a natural hot spring.
Fishing with my Dad.
Wrapped Christmas presents with my mom.
Mexico with my Sister.
St. Louis and Kansas City with my Brother.
Pardise with Lynn and Kris.
Visited so many places all by myself!
Laughing fits with Jennifer.
I laugh often, and hard.
Kitty Cuddling
Puppy tail wagging.
Giraffe Kisses.
Seeing an Eagle soar.
Witnessing water so clear you could see every color on the fish swimming in it.
Watching the pandas in Toledo, San Diego, and Taipei.
Having clean, clear, cold water available to me whenever I want it.
Having clean, hot showers available to me whenever I want one.
Owning more books than I could ever possibly read.
Realizing that wild, brave, and free women are the most beautiful creatures on earth.
Movies that move me.
Experiencing the wonder of the Grand Canyon.
Seeing nature’s skyscrapers at Zion.
Learning to know when things are out of my control.
Getting back in touch with my artistic side.
Having the courage to pursue my dreams.
An everlasting yearning to learn, learn, learn.
Hugging a redwood tree.
Knowing how to have fun without drinking.
Getting to meet and befriend people from all over the world.
Standing on the the Arctic Circle, the Tropic of Cancer, and twice on the Equator.
Hiking trails that made me cry.
Standing on an island that was so beautiful it didn’t feel real.
I have picked up trash someone else left behind.
I get the opportunity to make people smile on a regular basis.
I experienced the beauty of Morning Eagle Falls.
Gave the ocean the respect it deserves.

Good Stuff

4 thoughts on “100 Good Things In My Lifetime

  1. “Getting 100% on bones test in 7th grade” made me laugh. This is a GREAT list. It hels show your authentic self! I love it! You have inspired me to make one of my own. That would be a great find for my kids to run across .

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I have started a “100 things I love” post but this is good. Great even. And gives me some thoughts to all the good things I have had in my life as well. We are blessed! I love you Penny for who you are and respect you for the journey you are on! 😘

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You are a powerful, wonderful, brilliant, brave and BEAUTIFUL soul. You are adventuresome inspiration, amazing sunshine, sweet love, humane honesty and motivational fun in one awesome package. You’re a dream-chaser, dynamo and do-er, and this world is truly better because you exist… especially mine!


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